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Let's Discuss Episodes

Discussions on various topics that are happening and going on in our world, community, and states.
Some things may not be what you want to hear, but this is real talk.
Some language might not be nice, but it's real.
Some subjects might be sensitive and you might not like it, stop listening.
Feb. 10, 2021

Looks Don’t Count, The Self Image Series, Spencer, age 13

This will be a series of several short discussions from teenagers points of view. These teenagers wrote these for this particular bible, The Teen Devotional Bible. This topic is titled Looks Don’t Count and was written by Spe...

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Feb. 10, 2021

Who Do You Look Like? The Self Image Series, Amber age 13

This will be a series of several short discussions from teenagers points of view. These teenagers wrote these for this particular bible, The Teen Devotional Bible. This first topic is Who Do You Look Like and was written by A...

Episode page
Feb. 9, 2021

E.M.A.N. the podcast name

This episode tells where I came up with the name of the podcast, E.M.A.N. Effectively Making A Noise. It also introduces you to the series of episodes that God laid in my spirit to present on Self Image. Please allow …

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Dec. 10, 2020

When my Mental health got Better...The rest of the story!

This episode concludes the last episode and shows how God can work things out in tragic situations. I want to dedicate this episode to the nurse, Jana Jones, who was working so hard to revive Emanuel the morning he passed. …

Episode page
Oct. 11, 2020

Chit Chat with Caiden Crowe

I sit down with 14 year old Caiden Crowe to ask him about teenage life. We talk about his football career in middle school, the position he plays and how God helps him through his day. We also talk with …

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